Author Archive

Where you Look…

Posted: 14th November 2010 by ensifer in Uncategorized

… is where you go. That’s not Scientology Tech by the way. but then, you probably knew that already. Instead that’s one of the most basic understandings I have about life. But it kinda-sorta sounds like something L. Ron Hubbard might say. I can hear him now… “Well, I was up in the Van Allen […]

Why So Serious?

Posted: 8th November 2010 by ensifer in Scientology ~ before the RTC

I just wanted an excuse to use the image above in my blog. And what better excuse than to have a blog entry about fun in Scientology as opposed to the standard fare of anger, depression, failed purposes, dead OT’s, scheming private eyes, refund cycles and bickering over whether there really is such a thing […]

You People Make Me Crazy!

Posted: 13th October 2010 by ensifer in Uncategorized

By “you people” I mean all you Scientologists and ex-Scientologists. By “crazy” I mean frustrated and having the near irrepressible desire to grab you around the throat and strangle you until you start making sense! And I have my friend down in California to thank for reminding me why I am being driven crazy by […]

Now there’s a question that has been being asked for 50 years or so.  And while there are no easy answers to the question there are technical answers. Technically, in the eyes of the IRS here in America, Scientology is a church.  It’s been that way for about 40 years now. And if you look […]

Over the last couple of months the opportunity has arisen for some lengthy conversations with a few Old Time Scientologists from my past.  Hmmm, I guess if you look at it from their perspective I’m from their past. Either way, they are people who I “knew” very well. That makes them both friends and people […]

If size matters then Scientology has a small dick

Posted: 12th September 2010 by ensifer in Random articles

Been offline for a while. Now I’m not. So let’s talk about penis size. Okay? One of the more frequent discussions I come across in the universe of Scientology dissidents is the subject of bogus claims to the number of actual Scientologists. The common theme here in the real world is that while the CofS […]

If I'm PTS it's your fault!

Posted: 28th August 2010 by ensifer in Scientology ~ before the RTC

One of the curious side-effects of too much Scientology theory and not enough forward motion in life is the tendency for some Scientologists – not you, of course, I mean them – to just stop moving forward with time and get all hung up trying to figure out what caused some incidental phenomena. Deciding you […]

Here's an idea!

Posted: 24th August 2010 by ensifer in Random articles

I’ve been away from the internet for a few days due to my two oldest children flying into Idaho to visit with me and my awesome dad. They fly out at least once every year and we spend a couple of days eating, enjoying each other and just being a Second Dynamic. This year I […]

Why so serious?

Posted: 18th August 2010 by ensifer in Scientology ~ before the RTC

It’s possible I’m wrong… but… the general impression I have of what it’s like to be a Scientologist now is unlike what it was like to be a Scientologist before 1982. It’s simple stuff… Everybody used to smile. All the time. No really, except for the times when smiling and laughing were inappropriate the one […]

I thought you were dead man!

Posted: 13th August 2010 by ensifer in Scientology ~ before the RTC
